Sugar snap pea pickles

How could these not be good? One of my favorite things in the world is sugar snap peas. I have a bunch of them in the garden and hopefully will be completely overwhelmed with them later this summer.

I had some I had bought fresh during my last trip into town left in the fridge... most of them I already ate straight away, but there was some left just waiting for me. 

I happened upon this recipe for pickled sugar snap peas and added it to my list of new stuff to try this year... like pickled jalapenos (another pepper I'll hopefully be completely overwhelmed with later this summer) peach jam, and Okra pickles. 

But I couldn't wait and had to try it out sooner rather than later.  Here's the recipe in case anyone else is a sugar snap pea and pickle fan... honestly, how can you go wrong with the two of them together?

 The recipe is from smitten kitchen.

Pickled Sugar Snap Peas
Adapted from The Joy of Pickling via Epicurious
1 1/4 cups white distilled vinegar
1 1/4 cups cold water
1 tablespoon kosher or pickling salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 pound sugar snap peas, stems trimmed and strings removed
4 garlic cloves, sliced
  a couple pinches dried red pepper flakes

In a nonreactive saucepan, heat the vinegar with the salt and sugar until they are dissolved. Remove from the heat, and add the cold water. (This gives you a leg up on getting the liquid to cooling the liquid.)
When the vinegar mixture is cool, pack the sugar snaps, garlic and chile peppers or flakes into a 1-quart jar or bowl, and pour the brine over it. Cover with a non-reactive cap, or, er, plastic wrap.
The original recipe suggests you store the jar in the refrigerator for two weeks before eating the pickled peas, but good luck with that. Theyā€™re quite delicious and already lightly pickled by 24 hours later.

How were they? So good I can't even tell you. How many are left... not many. I know what's going to happen to most of the snap peas out of my garden this summer. I think snow peas would be yummy too...

Now that we are full of pea pickles... back to our naps...


Leontien saidā€¦
I love to eat snowpeas, but i'm gonna try this recipe!

Thanks for sharing
The JR saidā€¦
Interesting.... I've made okra pickles, green tomato pickles and watermelon rind pickles before.

Your pup is so cute!
Jenn @leftoverqueen saidā€¦
Sounds so yummy! I agree - how could they not be good?
Leigh saidā€¦
LOL, love the naps. I'm not especially fond of pickles, but those sugar snap pea pickles sure do sound good.

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